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What Sets Us Apart

Antero Herrera Vasquez

WAFLA is different from other providers.

Our diverse offerings provide farmers and farmworkers with distinct opportunities.

With WAFLA, you can have confidence that your labor needs will be met – with dignity and respect.

Nonprofit with Local Roots

⇒ Experienced & Connected Pacific Northwest Nonprofit

We have been pioneers of the visa program in the Pacific Northwest for nearly two decades, demonstrating our deep investment and strong connections in the region.

⇒ Net Profits Invested into Ag Community
Unlike for-profit organizations, we reinvest our net profits into the agricultural community, creating a win-win situation for you.

⇒ Established Relationships with WA & OR State Agencies
We have developed and nurtured strong relationships with key stakeholders to advocate on your behalf effectively.

Unparalleled Expertise

⇒ Executing H-2 Since 2007

For nearly two decades, we've been dedicated to making labor stability affordable for ALL agricultural employers in the Pacific Northwest with various visa program models only a nonprofit can offer. WAFLA has flexible plans that are tailored to meet your needs, whether it’s all-inclusive or consultation. Our commitment has always been centered on providing the best solution to ensure labor stability becomes a reality for you.

⇒ Accessible & Experienced Professionals
Our visa account executives receive continuous training and support from our senior, experienced leadership team and legal counsel. We prioritize picking up the phone to provide immediate support when you need assistance.

⇒ State & National H-2 Legal Partners
We are well-connected and backed by nationally recognized legal counsel and state HR advisors, ensuring you have expert support every step of the way.

Technology with a Personal Touch

⇒ Visa Dashboard, HR Onboarding, Workforce Communication Tools

Who should be in the driver’s seat – you or AI? At WALFA, people come first. We offer a human connection while ensuring you have the right tech tools and partnerships to make your operations efficient. We work with you to find, implement, and support customized tech solutions tailored to your needs.

⇒ Dedicated Staff at Your Fingertips
Our visa account executives are always ready to pick up the phone when you call! While we recognize the efficiency of email and tech tools, our visa account executives prioritize being available when you need to speak to them directly.

⇒ Vetted Recruiters & Transportation Partners
We exclusively partner with ethical recruiters and reputable transportation providers who consistently deliver exceptional service. WAFLA verifies the ethics and practices of our recruiters, and we oversee international worker travel and reimbursements.

On-Site Support & Education

⇒ 24/7 Boots on the Farm Field Support

We are the only provider offering onsite field staff to serve as a trusted liaison with your workforce. We ensure vital information is communicated, issues are mediated, and training is effectively delivered. We are there in person when you need us.

⇒ Leadership & Harassment Training
Our field support team is expertly trained to deliver high-quality leadership and harassment training, which is crucial in preventing labor unrest.

⇒ Education, Resources & Events to Cultivate Knowledge
We are the only provider that hosts the region's largest and most comprehensive annual H-2A conferences. Additionally, we offer specialized education and training through HR and H2 webinars, in-person sessions, and Member Hub resources to ensure your success. We also spearhead programs to teach guest workers life skills such as financial management.